General VA

Every B2B has to deal with hours of time-consuming, repetitive work every day. Delegating these activities will help you avoid wasting time every day.

1/ Manage Your Calendar & Bookings

  • Using calendar scheduling tools like Calendly to setup bookings.
  • Doing research on the company prior to the call, so you have full clarity of who you talking to with key points.

2/ Manage Communication With Your Team

  • Implement project managements tools like Asana to faciliate communication and collaboration among team members.  Assign tasks, set deadlines and use built-in communication features to keep everyone informed.
  • Use internal communication platforms like Slack to create and manage channels for different departments for the project and reduce email overload.

3/ Customer Support

  • Get a clear understanding of your businesses possible question and answers so we can handle your ticketing system like Zendesk to manage customer support inquiries efficiently.

4/ Document Creation And Formatting

  • Create, edit, and format documents, presentations, spreadsheets, reports, proposals, and other business materials.

5/ Organize Notes & Documents

  • Build a notion template where you can organize your second brain and resources for your company.

6/ AI Integration

  • Setup no-code AI systems to semi automate live support and other repetitive roles in your business.

These are just a few examples of tasks we an do. Click 'Start Hiring' now and tell us what sort of tasks you want to delegate so we can get started.

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