How A Virtual Assistant Generated $27,000 Worth Of Leads In 1 Month

Anthony breaks down the indications that made him realize he needed a VA, the key qualities of his VA, how he delegates effectively and more!

Can You Share Some Insights About Your Business And What You Do?

I'm an Amazon online arbitrage seller.

I typically buy from online retailers like Sephora and take advantage of the price difference on Amazon to make a profit.

What Were The Indications That Made You Realize That You Needed A VA?

When I had my 9-5 job i found myself spread to thin. I needed help running my side business but couldn't afford to hire any American employees. I found about VA's and the opportunity to arbitrage the currency and thought I'd give it a try.

What Specific Tasks Do You Delegate to Your VA's?

At this point my VA is the lifeline of the business. He does all the "manual labor" and the rough work.

He finds me all my leads and provides me with reports every day. I do the finesse work determining if it's a quality buy and how many we would be buying.

What Were The Key Qualities You Looked For In Your VA?

I wasn't looking for any competencies relating to the job itself.

Of course he has to know about the field of Amazon but i was looking for attention to detail, attentiveness, outgoingness

This was obtain with pre-interview filtering and specific questioning during the interview

How Do You Communicate With Your VA On A Daily?

I mainly use discord for our daily communication and Skype for our meetings.

How Do You Delegate Your Tasks Effectively?

I log every single task that my business has.

This helps me map out what takes are assigned to who.

Every few weeks i review the list to see if i need to add or remove some tasks and at the same time il review if i could re-assign tasks that are time consuming that does not drive profit(ex: admin work)

I will then talk it over with my VA and ask their comfort level with the specific task. And make a decision. This may come with a bonus or a higher salary if the tasks require additional responsibility

Are There Any Tools And Strategies You Employ To Enhance Your VA's Productivity?

The bulk of the job is done when hiring.

Meetings 3x a week for the first 2 months. This is done so I can make sure that the VA has the proper alignment and has any questions almost immediately answered.

I'm also a very positively reinforcing manager, allowing mistakes to happen as long as they're is a lesson attached to it.

How Has Having A VA Positively Affected Your Business?

He has helped me scale tremendously. As the volume of profitable leads coming in is far superior of what i used to deliver with my limited time outside my 9-5.

In November, when i was on my own, i did $8000 revenue. In the month of June I'm on pace for $27,000 and he finds 100% of the leads.

What Specific Qualities Have Impressed You About This VA That Make You Consider Promoting Him To A Manager Role?

He is detail driven, very punctual and a quick learner.

He also has a very good understanding of what I'm looking for on the operational side.

I will now challenge his
HR skills with the management of another VA but I'm a strong believer in having employees flourish when they are given the opportunity

Huge Thanks To Anthony For Taking The Time To Do This Interview, If you interested in following his journey further, make Sure To follow him on Twitter for more interesting content.

Do You Need A VA?

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